
Exam Board: AQA

The aim of GCSE Spanish is for students to understand and provide information and opinions about a range of topics relating to their own experiences and those of other people, including people in countries/communities where Spanish is spoken. We study the following themes:

Students will have already met all areas at Key Stage 3. They will now be extended and developed to increase the range of expression and understanding in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.


All assessment will be through examination at the end of Year 11. All four examination papers must be taken at the same tier.

Paper 1: Listening – comprehension questions in English.

Paper 2: Speaking – role play, reading aloud, photo card and discussion.

Paper 3: Reading – comprehension questions in English, translation Spanish to English.

Paper 4: Writing – structured writing task, open-ended writing task, translation from English into target language.

Where can it lead?

The study of a language combines well with a wide variety of subjects and is highly regarded by universities and colleges. It is particularly useful in industries such as the armed forces, law marketing and tourism. Many employers whose businesses trade abroad hold a language qualification in high esteem. Studying a language also develops other key skills such as confidence, communication skills, problem solving, emotional intelligence and resilience.

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