
School Main Reception

Please note that school main reception hours are:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8.00 am to 4.00 pm
  • Friday: 8.00 am to 3.30 pm

School telephone number: 01623 464220

Email address:

Daily Timetable

Download the Daily Timetable 2024 - 2025

Mentor Groups

Download the Mentor Groups 2024 - 2025

MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)

MyChildAtSchool [MCAS] is a portal enabling parent/carers to view their child's academic performance in real time via a web browser or app. This facility allows exclusive access to the child's attendance, assessment and behaviour whenever the parent/carer wishes. As well as student progress data, the portal also provides general useful information about school such as the Academic Calendar and Announcements.

In summary, MyChildAtSchool provides:

  • Access to real-time attendance, assessment and behaviour data
  • An insight to parents on their child’s schoolwork, for example, Home Learning
  • Communication facilities to contact the school office and teachers
  • Instant access to published reports and letters

Click on the following link: MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)

Contact Details

Parents can help ensure that the school has accurate contact details by informing the school if there are any changes to phone numbers etc. during the year. Please complete a Student Information Form and return to the school main reception.

Download the Student Information Form

Student Consent Form

The Nova Education Trust has deemed that students from Year 9 upwards can give their own consent. However this can only be the case where students fully understand their rights; if this is not the case a hard copy of the consent form will be given to parents/carers for completion.

Download the Student Consent Form

Cashless Catering

Garibaldi uses the SCOPAY account system to top up and purchase food and drinks in school. Once your child enrols in school they will be allocated a n online link code and this will allow you to set up an online account. By logging on to your account you can top up the amount on your child's account and also view their purchases.

Download the SCOPAY Parent Guide

Download the SCOPAY - Setting Up Alerts

Medical Update Form

Download the Medical Update Form [PDF]

Educational Visit Form

Please complete the online EV4 off-site consent form each time your child goes on a visit organised by the school.

July 2024


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