Exams Office

Useful Links

Exam Certificates

  • All exam certificates, for exams sat in the summer 2023, are available to collect please, contact the exams office to arrange this.
  • Summer 2022 certificates are still available for collection, if they have not already been collected.

Students will need to collect their certificates in person and their signature is required before certificates are released. If students cannot attend in person written permission, for someone to collect on their behalf, is requested accompanied by identification.

Please contact the school on 01623 464220 or email exams@garibaldischool.co.uk to arrange collection of exam certificates.


We often get asked by previous students how they can get a copy of their replacement exam certificates. If you find yourself in this situation, then please use the link below for further advice.

  • https://www.gov.uk/replacement-exam-certificate

Results Days 2024

Useful Links

Exams Timetables 2024

Summer 2024 Exam Timetable

Exam Success

The Garibaldi school achieves fantastic exam success in Progress 8 - 2019 results and gains 6th place in ALL schools and colleges in Nottinghamshire and 1st place in Mansfield.

Click here for all schools and colleges in Nottinghamshire's results on Gov.UK website

Exam Results

Summer 2022

KS4 Attainment School
Progress 8 -0.11
Disadvantaged Progress 8 -0.49
Attainment 8 47.1
% of pupils achieving 5+ in English and Maths 49%
% of pupils achieving 5+ in English 65%
% of pupils achieving 5+ in Maths 49%
% of pupils achieving 4+ in English and Maths 64%
% of pupils achieving 4+ in English 72%
% of pupils achieving 4+ in Maths 67%
EBacc Average Point Score 3.84
% of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate 22.%

Important information for all candidates taking exams

  • If your exam is in the morning it will start at 9am.
  • If your exam is in the afternoon it will start at 1pm.
  • Please check the exam notice board in the hall foyer prior to your exam to confirm your room location.
  • You must line up outside the exam room 10 minutes before the start of the exam, please do not be late, if you are late you may not be allowed to sit the exam.
  • Ensure you hand in your mobile phone to an invigilator before entering the exam room.
  • Please remember to enter the exam room in silence.
  • Do not try to communicate with any other student once you are in the exam room, as this could lead to disqualification.
  • Water is allowed in the exam room provided it is in a clear plastic bottle with a sports cap.

No food allowed unless it is required due to a medical condition.


  • Please bring a black pen.
  • NO correcting fluids/tippex.
  • Pencil, ruler, pencil sharpener, rubber, maths kit.
  • A calculator is permitted in some exams.
  • If you need to bring a pencil case it should be transparent.

Exam Board Information

Click on the links below


The Garibaldi School are looking to recruit additional Exam Invigilators, no previous experience is necessary. If you are interested please contact Clare Hawley or Kelly Hill for further information.

Tel: 01623 464220 Email: exams@garibaldischool.co.uk

Exams Office

Exam Results

July 2024


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