Welcome to Year 11

Welcome to the Year 11 Information & Guidance

The information here covers (click on the bullet point to take you to more detailed information):

Key Contacts

Deputy Head Teacher Mr M Dawson mdawson@garibaldischool.co.uk

Head of Year: Mr A Hales - ahales@garibaldischool.co.uk

Pastoral Manager: Mrs A Poznanski - apoznanski@garibaldischool.co.uk

Please direct all queries to your child’s mentor in the first instance.

11AJB Mr A Brimelow abrimelow@garibaldischool.co.uk
11CM Miss C Mitchell cmitchell@garibaldischool.co.uk
11CR Mrs C Ratcliffe cratcliffe@garibaldischool.co.uk
11DG Mr D Gray dgray@garibaldischool.co.uk
11EL Mrs E Lee elee@garibaldischool.co.uk
11LW Mrs L Walker lwalker@garibaldischool.co.uk
11ML Dr M Levitt mlevitt@garibaldischool.co.uk

Messages to parents

We are really grateful for the efforts that this cohort have put in during the first year of their GCSE studies. We look forward to celebrating their successes during this academic year and supporting them through their final year in school.


Six students from the year group will be recognised for the quality of the work they have produced or the positive attitude to learning they have displayed and will be added to the Hall of Fame.

Hall of Fame

Name of Student: Livvy Holden
"She is very motivated and has attended all revision sessions for History. She is hard working in class and pushes herself even when she finds things challenging, demonstrating great resilience". Well done Livvy!

Nominated by: Mrs Hudson - History

Name of Student: Tatenda Hwakwa

"For outstanding efforts in lessons and in revision sessions". Well done Tatenda!

Nominated by: Mr Brennan - Geography

Name of Student: Tyler Picton

"In lessons, Tyler consistently remains focused on tasks. He is always making notes and using feedback to improve his work. He is really coming on in English and he is clearly committed to achieving well at the end of Year 11". Well done, Tyler!

Nominated by: Mr West - English

Name of Student: Jade Tebbutt

"Jade has worked tirelessly since she started in my class in Year 11, always taking on board the advice given, and never afraid to offer her answers to the rest of the class – such a brave girl! The extended independent learning tasks are completed to the best of her ability, every single week, and on top of the work she already does at home, she also asks for more work, based on the things she has identified herself as key things she needs to focus on. An absolute A* student on all counts!". Well done Jade!

Nominated by: Mrs Walker - Maths

Name of Student: Zach Thompson

"Zach is always completely engaged with learning in Spanish. He has an excellent knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, and his understanding is strengthened by him asking meaningful questions to enhance his own learning". Well done Zach!

Nominated by: Mr Orme - Spanish

Name of Student: Faye Wharmby

"The amount of effort and determination you have shown this term in music is outstanding. You have gone above and beyond what is expected of you in the written and practical elements of the course to push yourself to exceed your target grade". Well done Faye!

Nominated by: Mrs Biggs - Music