KS4 Options

Welcome to the Key Stage 4 Options Guide

As a Year 9 student, you are part way through your journey with us at The Garibaldi School. In the coming weeks and months you will be selecting and finalising your options choices for study at Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11). This is the first time in your education where you have a choice about what you will study in the future.

Choices like this are exciting opportunities, but they can also be daunting. We want to support you to ensure you make the best possible choices based on information, advice and guidance. These choices will be a key step towards achieving the amazing outcomes that will help ensure you have the successful and happy adult life we want for you all.

The process of making your options choices is not always straightforward or easy and may include having to make difficult decisions. We would encourage you to think about how you are currently performing in that subject and how much you enjoy it now. It is also important to think about your future career plans even if these are not fully formed. Not continuing with a subject at GCSE is not going to completely close any doors, but it might make getting there a little harder; for this reason you need to do your research. Being influenced by the choices of your peers, disregarding subjects because of gender stereotypes or choosing it because you like your current teacher are not good reasons to base your choices on.

Set out in this guide are the wide range of courses that we offer for study in Year 10 and 11, and some clarification on the difference between GCSE, BTEC and Cambridge National qualifications. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with these.

The recent Options Evening event on 24th January 2024 will have given Year 9 students the chance to find out additional information and received answers to questions you might have. The online options form, where you will indicate your optional choices, will be available until Friday 15th March 2024.

Good luck in working through the process and please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any specific questions.

Course Guide

The guide below contains detailed information about each of the subjects available, along with a video from the subject’s Lead Teacher. Click on the icons of each subject to view the full description.

Humanities Choice (EBACC)


Options Form

The Options Form will be available to complete following the event on 24th January 2024. The deadline for completion of the form is Friday 15th March 2024.

April 2024


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