Weekly Lesson Focus and Independent Learning

Please find below subject specific overviews for Half Term 3 for all subjects. These provide details of what the weekly lesson focus will be, along with the set independent learning. Where relevant in Core subjects these are specific to different sets. These will be updated each half term throughout the remainder of the year.

Please note that we use GCSEPod an online revision site which incorporates revision videos (or pods), testing and bespoke guidance for follow up tasks. The use of GCSEPod has in most subject areas been integrated into the set independent learning tasks. This may take the form of links to GCSEPod revision clips to support that homework task, or it may be that the set independent learning is the completion of an assignment through the GCSEPod site. All students have access to GCSEPod and have opportunities to use it in school. It is accessible at home through a laptop, PC, tablet or phone. All use of the site is recorded including any pods that have been watched, questions attempted and assignments completed. Teachers can use this information to further support individuals during lessons in a targeted way.

To access the GCSEPod link directly from the PDF's below please sign in to GCSEPod first. This will then take you directly to the linked revision resource/task once you click on the blue linked text.

If you have specific questions about subject areas these are best directed to your child’s subject teacher. Teacher email addresses can be found here https://www.garibaldischool.co.uk/page.php?p=staff

If you have questions about GCSEPod please direct these to Mr Chatten (Head of Virtual Learning) kchatten@garibaldischool.co.uk

Half Term 3 - wc 6th January 2025






Creative Arts

Design & Technology

Child Development

Food Preparation and Nutrition

Cambridge National PE

EBacc Subjects