Welcome to Year 7

Welcome to the Year 7 Information & Guidance

The information here covers (click on the bullet point to take you to more detailed information):

Key Contacts

Head of Year: Miss D Bartley - dbartley@garibaldischool.co.uk

Pastoral Manager: Mrs A Poznanski - apoznanski@garibaldischool.co.uk

Please direct all queries to your child’s mentor in the first instance.

Year 7 Mentors

7CH Mrs C Hutchinson chutchinson@garibaldischool.co.uk
7FG Miss F Gibbs fgibbs@garibaldischool.co.uk
7JC Mr J Connolly jconnolly@garibaldischool.co.uk
7LB Miss L Bartlett lbartlett@garibaldischool.co.uk
7TG Miss T Griffin tgriffin@garibaldischool.co.uk
7SC Mr S Chamorro schamorro@garibaldischool.co.uk
7BH Mr B Hall bhall@garibaldischool.co.uk

Messages to Parents

I am so excited to be the Head of Year 7 this year to see what we can achieve together and as they start their new adventures at Garibaldi. I'm looking forward to proving to everyone that our cohort is the best year group and helping the students become the best version of themselves.


Six students from the year group will be recognised for the quality of the work they have produced or the positive attitude to learning they have displayed and will be added to the Hall of Fame.

Hall of Fame

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by:

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by:

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by:

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by:

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by:

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by:

Accelerated Reader Support

All students in year 7 use the Accelerated Reader . Click on the links below for the Parent Guide and Home connect login.

Please contact Ms Moorley - kmoorley@garibaldischool.co.uk if you require any further information relating to Accelerated Reader.

Bookbuzz is here! Our Year 7 students are taking part in BookTrust’s Bookbuzz program, which aims to get children reading. Each Year 7 student will choose their own book to keep out of the 16 carefully selected Bookbuzz titles. We hope this will encourage our students to read frequently, improving their well-being, sparking conversation and inspiring creativity.