Welcome to Year 9

Welcome to the Year 9 Information & Guidance

The information here covers (click on the bullet point to take you to more detailed information

Key Contacts

Head of Year: Mr N Fayers - nfayers@garibaldischool.co.uk

Pastoral Manager: Miss N Whitehead – nwhitehead@garibaldischool.co.uk

Please direct all queries to your child's mentor in the first instance.

Year 9 Mentors

9KJ Ms K Jamieson kjamieson@garibaldischool.co.uk
9KH Mrs K Hudson khudson@garibaldischool.co.uk
9KHO Mrs K Holmes kholmes@garibaldischool.co.uk
9KO Mr K Orme korme@garibaldischool.co.uk
9RB Miss R Biggs rbiggs@garibaldischool.co.uk
9SH Mrs S Hope shope@garibaldischool.co.uk
9WI Dr W Inglis winglis@garibaldischool.co.uk

Messages to Parents

I am really looking forward to beginning another fantastic year as head of year with my new year 9 cohort as they embark on their option choices year. I am certain that we will continue to thrive and achieve to the best representation of what it means to be a Garibaldi student.


Six students from the year group will be recognised for the quality of the work they have produced or the positive attitude to learning they have displayed and will be added to the Hall of Fame.

Hall of Fame

Name of Student: Natasza Ociepka

Nominated by: Mr West

"Natasza has been working so hard in English lately – her essay answers are developed well, she uses judicious evidence in her work, and she takes pride in everything she does. Her recent assessment on Cormac McCarthy’s ‘The Road’ reflected her mature, sensitive understanding of societal issues."

Name of Student: Phoebe Spencer

Nominated by: Mr Connolly

"For her hard work and determination, and excellent performance on both the recent Knowledge and Application tests"

Name of Student: Ellie Sheldon

Nominated by: Mrs Lee

“She's quite isolated in her teaching group but never fails to work hard, help others when she can and all with a smile on her face. She's the sunshine of the group.”

Name of Student: [Removed]

Nominated by: Miss Biggs

"... - for bossing both parts of the assessment in music this term due to sheer hard work and determination. You have approached learning about notation and applying this knowledge to the keyboard in such a brilliant way and I am very proud of how much you have developed.

Name of Student: Emily Gunton

Nominated by: Mrs Hudson

“Emily works hard every lesson and has shown good progress this term. She is always focused and engaged with her learning and this has been demonstrated through her recent work which shows she has been able to make links between difficult concepts. Her homework is always completed to a good standard."

Name of Student: Daisy Kelly

Nominated by: Miss Griffin

“I’ve nominated Daisy as she consistently has a fantastic attitude towards her learning in English. She puts her best effort into every task, including even the most challenging, and makes thoughtful contributions to our class discussions. Well done, Daisy – please keep it up!”

Accelerated reader support

All students in Year 9 will continue to use the Accelerated Reader during 2024/25. Click on the links below for the Parent Guide and Home connect login.

Please contact Ms Moorley - kmoorley@garibaldischool.co.uk if you require any further information relating to Accelerated Reader.