Statutory Information
This page provides information and/or links to information which we are required to publish by law. If you require a paper version of any of this any other information on this website please do not hesitate to contact us. This service is provided free of charge.
This school is a member of the Nova Education Trust. Please see below for Trading Disclosures.
School Name | The Garibaldi School | |
Postal address | Garibaldi Road Forest Town Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG19 0JX | |
Telephone No. | 01623 464220 | |
Enquiries contact name | Ms G Cooper | |
Name of Head Teacher / Principal | Mr P Cassidy | |
Name of the Chair of the Local Governing Body | Mrs S Sayer The address to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body is the school address as above. | |
Name of SENDCo | Mr T Voice |
Admissions arrangements (Current Academic Year) | The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2024-2025. | |
Admissions arrangements (Next Academic Year) | The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2025-2026. | |
Admissions arrangements (Following Academic Year) | The linked document contains our admissions arrangements for 2026-2027. | |
Appeals Timetable | ||
Oversubscription Criteria | ||
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy |
KS4 results
Progress 8 score | 2019 +0.47 PLEASE NOTE: The exam and assessment results for 2019/20 and 2020/21 were not published by the DfE. Guidance states that the school continues to publish the 2018/2019 until new results are published. | |
Attainment 8 score | 2019 48.0 | |
English and Maths (Basic) | 56% 5+ 73% 4+ | |
EBACC | 7% 5+ 14% 4+ | |
Student Destinations | Performance table figure for “Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers)” is 92% |
KS5 results
English and Maths Progress | English 2018 - (no entries) English 2019 - (no entries) Maths 2018 - (suppressed) Maths 2019 - (suppressed) PLEASE NOTE: The exam and assessment results for 2019/20 and 2020/21 were not published by the DfE. Guidance states that the school continues to publish the 2018/2019 until new results are published. | |
Contextual Progress | Academic A Level Value Added 2018 -0.27 Academic A Level Value Added 2019 -0.26 Academic A Level APS 2018 28.1 Academic A Level APS 2019 27.1 Applied General Value Added 2018 +0.27 Applied general Value Added 2019 +0.48 Applied General APS 2018 34.98 Applied General APS 2019 36.91 | |
Average grade | Academic A Level 2018 C Academic A Level 2019 C- Applied General 2018 Distinction Applied General 2019 Distinction+ | |
Student retention | 2018 - 94.4% 2019 - 77.3% | |
Student destinations | 2019, 84% - students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2017 and staying in education or employment for a least 2 terms after this. |
DfE Performance tables
DfE Performance Tables | DfE Performance Tables |
Parents and other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum we offer by visiting our Curriculum page.
Music Development Plan |
The school's approach to the curriculum | The Garibaldi School Curriculum Intent Statement Our school is hugely proud of our heritage, identity and place within the community and our academic curriculum celebrates and complements this. We ensure that our students can see themselves within our curriculum whilst learning about the rich and diverse world within which they live. We deliberately plan the core knowledge of our curriculum to build upon student’s previous learning experiences in school and at home. We are academically ambitious for all of our students and the choice of knowledge and skills goes beyond the National Curriculum requirements. The learning secured at each key stage enables our students to progress confidently on to further study, training and the world of work and lead happy and fulfilled adult lives. Subject specific knowledge is deliberately applied to a diverse range of experiences and perspectives to transform students understanding of the society within which we live and feel empowered to positively influence it. This is further supported by our amazing personal development and enrichment programmes that develop the whole person and provide exciting experiences outside of the classroom. Through our curriculum students embrace the rich and varied opportunities that life has to offer. We implement our curriculum by: • Scaffolding learning to ensure that all students, regardless of their starting points or needs, are challenged, access the curriculum in its entirety and realise their full potential. • Explicitly teaching oracy skills and embedding regular opportunities for discussion and debate. Students will express themselves confidently and appropriately in a range of situations. • Presenting student with high quality texts that enhance vocabulary and develop a love of reading. • Providing timely feedback and opportunities for self and peer evaluation. • Teaching the skills needed and the personal characteristics required to become and enquiring, independent learner. | |
Curriculum content | Key Stage 3 Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students are taught a balanced curriculum of English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Spanish, Music, Physical Education, Performing Arts, Art, Design Technology, Food Technology, Geography, History and Personal Development and Equality, Diversity and Religion. Students are placed in sets according to Primary School performance information, CAT scores and Reading Age scores. This is reviewed regularly with standard assessments within core departments. Core subjects have capacity to move students across sets according to their timetabling. Each Year groups’ Achievement Lead has oversight of set changes and works closely with subject Lead Teachers. Support for students with learning difficulties and disabilities (LDD) is provided by teaching assistants within mainstream lessons or as a targeted group based in the Student Support Department. On some occasions, there is also a small amount of short term withdrawal targeted towards those individual students or small groups who most need it, delivered by a teaching assistant based in Student Support. | |
Name of Curriculum Lead | Ms Melissa Stevenson - Assistant Head Teacher |
GCSE Qualifications | Level 2 Qualifications All students receive a core provision and study GCSEs in English Language, English Literature, Maths and Trilogy Science (double award). Students in Year 10 may choose to study towards the single Sciences – Triple Science. This is done through their Core Science lesson provision. There is a core provision of Personal Development and PE. Students then choose 4 options which begin in Year 10 and are studied over two years. Subjects and qualifications on offer this year are: • GCSE History • GCSE Geography • GCSE Computing • GCSE Design Technology • GCSE Spanish • Cambridge National Creative iMedia • Cambridge National Sport • Cambridge National Enterprise • Cambridge National Child Development • WJEC Level 2 Certificate in Hospitality and Catering • BTEC Level 2 Art • BTEC Level 2 Performing Arts • BTEC Level 2 Music | |
Name of Curriculum Lead | Ms Melissa Stevenson - Assistant Head Teacher |
16-19 Qualifications on offer | 16-19 Level 3 Qualifications on offer • A Level Business • A Level Computer Science • A Level English Literature • A Level Geography • A Level History • A Level Mathematics • A Level Psychology • LIBf Diploma in Financial Studies • BTEC Level 3 Art and Design • BTEC Level 3 Performing Arts • Cambridge National Level 3 Sport and Physical Activity We also have access to A Level Sociology, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. | |
How we meet the 16-19 study programme requirements | In KS5 students are offered a range of A Levels and vocational courses. It is usual that students opt for three qualifications. Alongside having a specific mentor to work with them, students also have timetabled independent study sessions alongside timetabled Personal Development sessions to support students through the 16-19 studies. The Personal Development Programme is developed with students for the students and covers topics which are statutory and relevant to them, such as Sex and Relationships Education, finance and budgeting, mental health, and a healthy mindset. Students also cover Fundamental British Values within Personal Development sessions. Our Personal Development offer also includes outside visits from Universities and Apprenticeship providers who work with our students on key skills such as CV writing, UCAS applications and job or apprenticeship applications. We also encourage students to visit as many University providers as possible and support them with applications to attend summer schools. Students are also expected to play a wider role in Garibaldi School and take up a range of opportunities, such as leading sporting clubs or working and supporting younger pupils in their studies. Staff and students have opportunities to shape the Sixth Form with regular staff and student voice and through the Year 12 and Year 13 Student Leaders. It is also expected that all Year 12 students will complete a work experience to further support their next steps post school life. |
Behaviour Policy | The school’s SDSL Mrs Rebecca Moors, Deputy Head Teacher, the DDSL Ms Ellie Jewsbury, Student Welfare & Safeguarding Lead | |
Attendance Procedure | ||
Uniform Standards | ||
Safeguarding/Child protection | The school’s SDSL Mrs Rebecca Moors, Deputy Head Teacher, the DDSL, Ms Ellie Jewsbury, Student Welfare & Safeguarding Lead | |
Anti-bullying policy | The aim of our anti-bullying policy is to clarify for students and staff that bullying is always unacceptable. We wish to encourage an environment where independence is celebrated and individuals can flourish without fear. Every student has the right to be safe and happy, and to be protected when feeling vulnerable. Our anti-bullying policy is contained within our Behaviour Policy which can be downloaded via the link. | |
Health and Safety policy | ||
First Aid Policy | ||
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions | ||
Complaints policy | ||
Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints policy | This policy is contained within the Complaints policy. | |
Complaints received | Number of formal complaints registered during the preceding school year: 2 | |
SEND Policy | ||
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme | The Trust Freedom of Information Publication Scheme available to download here. | |
Charging and Remissions Policy | ||
Whistleblowing Policy | The Trust Whistleblowing Policy is available to download here. | |
Online Safety Procedure | ||
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy |
Details of how the pupil premium was spent in the previous academic year | ||
The impact of the previous year's expenditure | Part B: The Garibaldi School Statement | |
Amount of pupil premium allocation for the current year | See funding overview of the Pupil Premium statement. | |
A summary of the main barriers to achievement faced by eligible pupils in the school | Part A - Challenges of The Garibaldi School Statement. | |
How the grant will be spent to address those barriers and the reasoning behind that approach | Part A - Intent and Activities this year of The Garibaldi School Statement. | |
How the impact will be measured | Part A - Intended Outcomes of The Garibaldi School Statement. In addition see supplementary documentation for impact. | |
Date of the next review of the pupil premium strategy | January 2026 |
Special Education Needs (SEND) Report
SEND report for the current academic year | SEND Report 2024-2025 |
Accessibility Plan for Disabled Pupils
Accessibility Procedure | The Garibaldi School is committed to providing a fully accessible environment which values and includes all students, staff, parents/carers and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. The school is committed to challenging negative attitudes about disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion. |
Public Sector Equality Duty
Equality Objectives | Our Equality Objectives 2021 - 2024 Our equality objectives are based on our analysis of data and other information. Our equality objectives focus on those areas where we have agreed to take action to improve equality and tackle disadvantages. We will regularly review the progress we are making to meet our equality objectives. Our Equality Objectives are: • To improve the progress and attainment of SEND pupils. • To promote mental health and wellbeing in children with protected characteristics. • To narrow the gap in attendance for pupils with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act, by fostering good relationships with parents and carers and seeking to understand the barriers to good attendance. • To increase the extent to which all pupils, including in particular those with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act, feel valued and confident, and in consequence more likely to achieve their potential. • To narrow the gap between vulnerable groups of pupils and other pupils in access to homework support provision, and in this way to reduce or remove inequalities in attainment throughout the school, particularly inequalities relating to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act. • To ensure that the staff are aware of current legislation surrounding Equality, Diversity and Disability and their responsibilities. |
School's Career Leader | Miss A Bleasdale 01623 464220 | |
Careers Programme Summary | The careers Programme is clearly displayed on our website with information for both pupils, parent/ carers and teachers. The careers Programme details the provision giving students, parents and teachers a clear understanding of the provision and a good understanding of the key objectives. | |
How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils | Evaluations using both digital tools and paper based to collect parents and carers/ teachers/students feedback will be undertaken post events to ensure we can annually review our careers programme changing it for the following year. The evaluation of effectiveness will use data taken from destination data, Alumni, and feedback from stakeholders as well as evaluations. A full evaluation is carried out every three years. | |
Date of next review | September 2024 | |
Provider Access Statement | This policy statement sets out The Garibaldi School's arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education act 1997 (the ‘Baker Clause’). Student Entitlement Students in Years 7 – 13 are entitled to: Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point; hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evening’s, assemblies and group discussions and taster events. Management of Provider Access requests: any provider wishing to request access to The Garibaldi School should contact Miss A Bleasdale ( | |
Careers Guidance and Access For Education and Training Providers Policy Statement | INTRODUCTION Students need a planned programme of activities to enable them to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes required to make well informed choices about their 11 -18 pathways and to enable them to manage their careers and sustain employment throughout their lives. Effective careers education is impartial and considers young people's personal abilities, needs and preferences. It is motivating and it raises aspiration, by providing clear targets and by encouraging young people to participate in learning and to attain qualifications to reach their full potential. A clear picture of the current and projected local and national labour market helps to support students’ future career intentions and helps inform future education and training plans. The Garibaldi School has a duty to provide careers education from Year 7 to 13 and to give students access to careers information and impartial guidance. Careers features as a key part of the Personal Development Curriculum which is complemented by a diverse and extensive character building, enrichment and extracurricular/extended study programme. Students are provided with a multitude of opportunities to try new things, discover new interests, develop their talents and connect with others more deeply, thus developing their emotional resilience, personal identity and long-term goals. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The policy aims to detail the procedures and guidelines for the delivery and availability of Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). |
Data Protection Policy | This document gives information about how the schools within the trust and the trust itself manages, processes and protects data. | |
Privacy Notice for Pupil Data | We use information that we gather in relation to our pupils for various purposes. Information that we hold in relation to a pupil is known as personal data. This will include data that we obtain from pupils directly and data which we obtain from other people and organisations. We might also need to continue to hold personal data for a period of time after pupils have left the school/trust. Anything that we do with this personal data is known as processing. The school/trust is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses personal data and to meeting its data protection obligations. Please see the attached document for full details. | |
Privacy Notice for Parent/Carer Data | ||
Privacy Notice for Trust Workforce Data |
School Governor Information
Names of Governors, terms of office, date of appointments and who appointed them | ||
Structure and responsibilities | Please find attached the Governance Scheme of Delegation. | |
Link Governor for Safeguarding | Mrs S Sayer | |
Link Governor for SEND | Mr M Marshall | |
Link Governor for Curriculum | Mrs J Caulton | |
Link Governor for Careers | Mr S Butler | |
Link Governor for Governor Development | Mrs S Sayer | |
Other Link Governors | Leadership & Management - Mrs S Sayer Health & Safety - Mrs T Stocks Stakeholder Engagement & Character Development - Mr N Moxon | |
Attendance record at meetings over the last academic year | ||
Pecuniary Interests of Governors (Current Academic Year) | ||
Pecuniary Interests of Governors (Previous Academic Year) |
Trust Governance Team
Names of Trustees, terms of office, date of appointments and who appointed them | Margaret Monckton (Chair) Adrian Stephenson (Vice Chair) Lucy Burrow Tony Glover Steve Crawford Stuart Howells Jason Carter Sayed Yasmin Hussain James Ellis Gavin Brown Please follow the link to the Nova Education Trust website for further details. | |
Names of Members of the Academy Trust | Jonathan Sims Nicola Morrison Nichole Munro Nicolle Ndiweni Richard Flewitt | |
Chairs of Sub-Committees | Education Committee: Adrian Stephenson People and Remuneration Committee: Lucy Burrow Strategic, Finance & Operations Committee: Steve Crawford Audit Committee: Jason Carter | |
Chair of The Garibaldi School LGB Sub-Committee | Mrs S Sayer The address to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body is the school address as above. |
Trust Governance Documents
Members, Trustees, Accounting Officer and Executives Pecuniary Interests | Further information is provided on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link. | |
Governance structures | ||
Board Diversity Data | Our published report provides diversity data about the board and our local committees. | |
Trust annual audited accounts and report | Please follow the link to be taken to the latest Trust annual audited accounts and report. | |
Memorandum and Articles of Association | A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association for Nova Education Trust can be accessed on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link. | |
Funding Agreement | A copy of the Funding Agreement for Nova Education Trust can be accessed on the Nova Education Trust website. Please follow the related link. |
Terms and conditions of website use | The use of this website is subject to the Terms and Conditions outlined below. By accessing and browsing this website the user automatically accepts these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change and amend these Terms and Conditions without notification. The content of this school website is provided as an information service to users only. The content is relevant to the individual school and does not necessarily relate to other schools within the Trust. The school has endeavoured to provide correct and relevant information but there may be factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors. If a user identifies any factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors please feel free to contact the school in the first instance. No liability for factual inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or technical errors on this site are accepted by the Trust or school within law. The Trust and school fully reserve the right to make changes, amendments and corrections at any time, without notice. Any material (text, images, graphics, UIs, system processes) contained within this website may not be downloaded, reproduced or replicated in any way without the express permission of the Nova Education Trust. The school and Trust does not take responsibility for the content of hyper-links provided on this website in good faith. The Trust and School does not endorse or validate the content, views or opinions (implicit or explicit) stated in sites hyper-linked, mentioned or referenced on this website. If a user has any concerns regarding the content of sites hyper-linked, mentioned or referenced on this website please contact the school in the first instance. This website, its content and associated Trust and school branding is copyright of the Nova Education Trust 2017. | |
Cookie policy | This website does not create, use or store cookies. Measuring website usage (Google Analytics) We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use our school website. Google Analytics stores information about: • how you got to the site • what you click on while you’re visiting the site • how long you spend on the site • how long you spend on each link page you click through to • what you click on once at the page you’ve clicked through to We don’t collect or store your personal information (eg your name or address) so this information can’t be used to identify who you are. Privacy and keeping your data secure We also hold and store personal information if a website user submits information on any of our contact, enquiry or application forms. The content submitted on the form is stored on our servers and we won’t share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, and we don’t pass on your details to other websites. Disclosing your information We may pass on your information to the appropriate authorities if we have a legal obligation to do so, or if we have to enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements. Further information If you have any further questions about our Cookie, Web Analysis or Privacy processes please contact your school office in the first instance. | |
Trading disclosures | Nova Education Trust Company Number 07635510 A PRI/LBG/NSC/(Exempt) incorporated on 16 May 2011. Registered office address is Nova Education Trust Office (C19), The Sir Colin Campbell Building, The University Of Nottingham, Triumph Road, Nottingham, England, NG7 2TU. Telephone: 0115 807 7777. |
Latest News
- The Garibaldi School Careers Fair 2025
Monday 3rd March 2025 6pm - 7.30pm (Whole School - 17/01/2025) - Parental Engagement Session - Online Safety
Tuesday 28th January 2025 - 4.30pm - 5.30pm (Whole School - 17/01/2025) - Year 9 Curriculum Information Evening 2025 (GCSE Options)
Thursday 23rd January 2025 - 6pm - 8pm (Whole School - 17/01/2025) - Christmas 2024 - Whole School Newsletter
December 2024 (Whole School - 08/01/2025) - Pan Asian Goes to Korea
Special Set Menu (Whole School - 08/01/2025)