16-19 Tuition Fund
16 to 19 Tuition Fund 2022-23 – The Garibaldi School Statement of use
The Garibaldi school has been provided with £2333 of 16-19 Tuition funding for the 2021-22 academic Year. Set out below is some contextual information and a summary of how this money will be used.
The Garibaldi School has a relatively small 6th Form provision centred around A Level and Level 3 Vocational courses. As such the majority of students who join us secure the necessary Grade 4 or higher in English and Maths to start their courses. However, there are occasions where students are allowed to commence courses who have yet to secure a grade 4 in one of English or Maths. This is always considered on a case by case basis and in the context of their subject/course choices. These students continue to work towards resits for English and Maths GCSE alongside their Level 3 courses.
The 16-19 tuition funding for 2022-2023 will therefore be used to support a small number of students that a) have not achieved a grade 6 in GCSE English and/or GCSE maths at age 16 and would need catch-up support; or b) are from the 27% most economically deprived areas of the country (based on the index of multiple deprivation and local authority LSOA data) and would need catch-up support; or c) are economically disadvantaged who meet the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund eligibility criteria and would need catch-up support to reach their full potential will be eligible, even where their prior attainment is high; or d) are aged 19 to 24 who have an education, health, and care (EHC) plan are also eligible for support, subject to meeting the eligibility for the fund. The school will prioritise tuition for those students who have not achieved a grade 4 in GCSE maths and/or English in the first instance, as per the DFE guidance. Further information can be found on the DFE 16-19 tuition fund guide located here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/16-to-19-funding-16-to-19-tuition-fund.
We will be using the online tuition service MyTutor, to provide one to one subject specific support through their virtual platform. These tuition sessions will be conducted in school time in the main, but there is flexibility for these to take place at home if and when required -i.e. over school holiday periods to ensure continuation of provision. The majority of students will receive 10 weeks' worth of 1x 50-minute session a weak in one of their subjects, which will be determined by the Director of Sixth Form using the data available through the monitoring and reporting process. The MyTutor platform will record attendance at sessions and will allow for rates of progress and impact to be tracked and measured. Sessions are costed at £20 per hour and most packages of support run for 10 sessions. A link to the MyTutor web page explains how the service works and what the sessions look like: https://www.mytutor.co.uk/how-it-works.html
For clarification on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact Mr B West, Director of Sixth Form: BWest@garibaldischool.co.uk
Recent Letters
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