Year 13

Welcome to the Year 13 information

The information here covers (click on the bullet point to take you to more detailed information):

Key Contacts

Director of Sixth form – Mr B West -

Head of Key Stage 5 - Miss A Bleasdale -

Sixth Form Student Manager – Miss Hadley -

Please direct all technical queries to your students’ mentor in the first instance

Sixth Form Mentors

6LP - Ms L Purdy -

6KB - Mr K Brennan -

6KC - Mr K Chatten -

Messages to Parents

Note: Please don’t wait for the teacher/staff member to contact you/your child before reporting concerns.


Three students from the year group will be recognised for the quality of the work they have produced or the positive attitude to learning they have displayed and will be added to the Hall of Fame.

Hall of Fame

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by

Name of Student:

Reason for recognition:

Nominated by